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I had gotten used to it. A trench coat thrown over my button down shirt and pleated pants, I walked down the street for the seventh time from the past two days seeking one single glance at the perfect person who I had ever set my eyes on.

The street was dark, though the street lights shone rather brightly, in addition with the pale silvery pool of the moonlight. The darkness meant that even if anybody saw me they would not be able to make out the details. Oh, just somebody with a long trench coat on; might be for the cold, they'd say.

The winds blew softly, the trees sighed and the gentle breeze rustled my neatly slicked back hair—the curls didn't make it easy for me to slick it back; but I liked to be trim, like I had served in military or something, though I had not

My head bent low, a few strands of hair falling into my eyes, I walked down the street, staring at my polished shoes. I looked around; it was one of my hobbies, if you can call it that. The people who walked with me on the street were few, but all looked exactly the same—a briefcase in hand, dressed for work and tired. An expensive watch circled some of their wrists. Some wore a pretty dress. I observed those exhausted workaholics until I saw a beautiful house—creepers grew on the walls, the house was modern and what I loved the most was the door handle which was shaped like the head of a lion, it's mane drooping down to form the handle.

I stood below the old oak. It's thick bark and big branches made me feel inferior and safe at the same time. I heard the crickets creak and the frogs croak. I could see the perfect person from the window. Oh, the things I wanted to do just to get inside her house.

I could see her clearly. Auburn hair curled up in a messy bun, blue eyes behind the rimmed spectacles reading a book. Ah, poetry. She wore a beige woolen dressing gown. It suited her, I thought. I could clearly see the soft curves of her collarbones and a vein in her beautiful column of neck pulsed. I thought of all the ways I could sever it. Oh, I could imagine the way her blood would colour my pale hands.

I was still staring at her when I saw a man take his hat off and knock the door. I saw her shut her book and then she was no longer visible to me. Then, she flung the door open and smiled widely at the man. She looked perfect to me. Oh, this just got better. Two birds, one stone!

It was one thing to smile so widely and blush at that man. It was another thing to circle her slender arms around his neck and kiss him. How dare she? And how dare he! Who does he think he is to mess with what is mine! I couldn't watch it any longer. Involuntarily, my hands clenched. I wanted to reach for the knife, but I calmed myself down somehow.

They shut the door. From what I could see, he was even making her laugh. Oh, the things I wanted—the things I wanted to do to him and tear him apart. It was past midnight now. There were barely three people on the street. Looked like he was staying over.

I walked to the door. I knew how to pick locks. It was not the first time. Withing a few seconds, I was inside, knife ready in my hand. Ah, it was one of my pass times. I had snuck into this house a few times. I knew exactly where to find the two of them.

I climbed up the stairs, twisting my silver knife in my hand and walking up the stairs without making any noise. I was reminding myself to be stealthy. There, I was at the next floor. My hands itched for blood. Their blood.

They had not closed their door. It was open, as if welcoming me inside. As if they were expecting me. I never disappointed. I would not only tell them, I would show them.

They were asleep. First I saw the man who my perfect person had been toying with. I admit, it angered me. Then I saw her. She was perfect. I raised the knife and cut over the man's eye. He screamed. It delighted me. I cut from his brow till his cheekbones in a slanted direction. And then I cut again in the opposite direction, making an 'X'. I repeated the same thing on his other eye.

My perfect person was screaming too. "Aw," I said, tilting my head. "Did I wake you up, my sweet?"

She screamed more

I cut the corners of his mouth next, making him smile. Then I stabbed through the chest; oh, the pleasure it got me. My hands were stained with blood now. I looked at my perfect person now. I gave her a pleasant smile. I wiped the blood off the blade and returned it into my pocket.

"Come, my love. Let me show the world," I said, smiling as I approached her.

She screamed again.

"Oh, come on, I am so much than this scumbag you were toying with."

She was stupid enough to try and run towards the door. I caught her in one hand

"Stupid child," I spat. "Did you think it would be so easy?"

I brushed the hair from her eyes, tucked it behind her ear

"My sweet," I said in a honeyed voice. "Let me show you the world."


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