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Lost in the mists of time

Ever feel like you are stuck in a time loop. Living the same day on repeat and no one else sees this but you? Like time was bent with a drop of a tear. Like the loop button of a soundtrack is broken. A temporal anomaly. What would you feel? Ecstatic? Disappointed? Anxious? Thrilled? Whichever it may be, the end result would be confused. You may try everything in your might to break it, but the spell just doesn’t wear off. The clock ticks and boom! Back to the beginning. A montage in reverse and then one in forefront. Everything you just did gets undone. Every memory you just lived, feels like a farce. A dream you are unable to escape. The shackles of the hour you are bound to. Shatterproof. Like you are seeing life through someone else. Tomorrow is a mirage. But you try to break the chain. Set time free. But the harder you try, the more this vortex pulls you in. The more you are running around in circles, like a hamster on a wheel. So call it a day. Appreciate the time that has stood still, for you. Carpe diem it, time after time. Soak in its beauty and see through it. The gravitas it holds in its quotidian. Unmatchable. Instead of feeling stuck, maybe feel unlimited with your infinite do overs. On a day which looks completely banal, but has so much depth to it. Seek gratification in the smallest, most trivial things. Your tied shoelace, a ripe fruit, the sun that kisses your face, the moon that follows you home, a cloud shaped like a heart. The wind that lifts your hair, the flower that falls in your lap, the eyelash with which you make a wish. The family photo in your living room, a missed call from your best friend, a video on YouTube without an ad, a perfectly triangle Dorito, your favou

rite song on the radio. The dew on a leaf, the symphony of nature, the prettiest orange sky that rewinds to gives you a rhythm to arc back into. Because what if it wasn’t even your story? Yet you are in it, so grace it. Value the time you have at hand until it dissipates forever. It may feel like a complete waste of time, but it's only buying you more time. More time to flourish in this youthful spring that you wished would pause. Decipher it piece by piece at your own pace, as you have all the time in the world. Meet the ends of the tesseract and put something so convex, in the most linear fold. Make your own map of tiny perfect things that are no longer a petty distraction from a mighty destiny, no longer an insult to ambition, but a genuine pleasure amidst a litany of troubles, an invitation to bracket anxieties and keep self-criticism at bay, a small resting place for hope in a sea of disappointment but a cue to let the thunder strike and the beads of rain to trickle down.


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